
25 interesting facts about kissing! (List)

Read them here!

1. On average, two-thirds of people tip their heads to the right when they pucker up.

2. Kissing generally uses one muscle, called the orbicularis oris, that is responsible for puckering your lips when you kiss. The science of kissing itself is called philematology.

3. Making out can be healthy for you. Kissing for one minute burns 26 calories.

4.  Sucking face has been blamed for the rise of Mononucleosis. Also, the spread of cold sores, and the general transmission of other unsavory diseases.

5. Be careful where you kiss. Though the punishment’s not quite as harsh as our Italian predecessors, kissing is still illegal in some parts of the United States.

6. Kissing can increase your life expectancy.

7. According to anthropologists, 90 percent of people kiss. But that doesn’t mean that kissing is the same for everyone. Kissing customs vary across the world.

8. When you kiss someone for the first time, you get a spike in the neurotransmitter dopamine, making you crave more. Dopamine can also make you lose your appetite and make it hard for you to sleep.

9. Two thirds of people tilt their head to the right when they kiss.

10. But a study has shown that men live up to five years longer if they kiss their wife before going to work.

11. Kissing triggers the release of oxytocin in your body.

12. The world record for longest kiss goes to Americans Rich Langley and Louisa Almedovar for a session lasting 30 hours and 59 minutes.

13. Your lips have a disproportionate number of nerve endings compared to other parts of your body.

14. When you kiss someone your heart beats faster and more oxygen reaches your brain. And it makes your pupils dilate.

15. Women tend to rate kissing as more important in relationships than men do.

16. Nachküssen is a German word that means “a kiss to make up for those that have not occurred”.

17. Endorphins released during kissing bring on waves of euphoria.

18. When your lips touch someone else’s 5 out of 12 of your cranial nerves are engaged.

19. The muscle you use to pucker your lips is called the “orbicularis oris”.

20. Over time, kissing lowers your levels of stress hormone cortisol, making you feel all safe and secure.

21. Many Animals Other Than Humans Kiss. Even though it might not be exactly how we do it, several other animals engage in affectionate behavior that’s remarkably similar to our kissing. Chimpanzees oftentimes demonstrate kiss-like behavior after a fight as a way to “kiss and make up” so to speak. Studies have shown that this type of behavior isn’t just confined to chimpanzees—many other primates “kiss” in their own way.Non-primate animals engage in kiss-like behavior as well. Meerkats, for example, will nuzzle and lick each other’s scent glands to mark one another as the alpha and the subordinate. This is especially important after a meerkat returns to their group because the alpha female kicking them out is quite often the reason they left in the first place.We can’t forget elephants, one of the most intelligent and emotional creatures on Earth. During hard times like the death of a herd member, elephants have been observed sticking their trunks in each others’ mouths as a gesture of both consolation and comfort.

22. Most people remember their first kiss more vividly than the first time they had sex.

23. Crazy as it may sound in 2014, there are still many countries where public affection is illegal. In Mexico, university professor Manuel Berumen was arrested for kissing his wife in public. In some countries, though, the punishments are extremely brutal. In 2010, a Saudi Arabian man was arrested for hugging and kissing a woman. He was found guilty and sentenced to three sets of 30 lashes each, plus four months in prison.To prevent an extremely awkward situation, you should always check with the United States Department of State before you travel to another country. You should also know how to contact the United States Embassy in whatever country you’re visiting just in case you suddenly need help. Nothing dampens a good mood quite like jail time.

24. At roughly 18 million years old, Mangaia Island is the oldest island in the Pacific Ocean. Despite all the time its inhabitants have had, they’d never heard of kissing until the English introduced them to the practice in the 1700s.These days, around 90 percent of the world’s cultures kiss. The other 10 percent doesn’t do so for a variety of reasons. For example, some areas in Sudan refuse to kiss because they believe that the mouth is the window to the soul, and they fear having their soul stolen by mouth-to-mouth contact.The famous Eskimo kiss—in which people bump noses together instead of their mouths—didn’t start because they feared having their mouths frozen together as some believe. It happened because, due to the extreme cold, the Eskimos would only have their eyes and noses exposed and had to invent their own method of displaying affection. Today, it is one of the most popular non-kissing kisses in the world.

25. The word “kiss” comes from the Old English word cyssan, which technically means “to kiss.” No one is completely positive where cyssan comes from, but people suspect that it represented the sound people make when they kiss.The Romans had several words for several different types of kissing. Kissing the hand or cheek was known as basium, closed-mouth kissing was known as osculum, and a passionate kiss was known as a saviolum. The Greeks, meanwhile, might not have had words for kissing in particular, but they did have several words for love. Philia was a loyal kind of love, the kind you have for your friends and family. There was also eros, a more passionate kind of love. However, Plato once stated that eros could also be used to describe appreciation for another person’s beauty. He also stated that true love did not have to be based on physical attraction.Finally, the Greeks used agape to describe the strongest and most beautiful love of all—the pure, unconditional love and affection shared among family and only the closest of friends.

Rania Strataki

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