
Animals trivia: 100 facts about sea animals and fish (part 1)

Animals are a huge part of this world. And sea animals are quite important for the entire environment and nature.

Let’s find out more about them!

  1. Sharks are a group of elasmobranch fish.
  2. Sharks are characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton.
  3. Modern sharks are classified within the clade.
  4. The term “shark” has also been used for extinct members of the subclass Elasmobranchii.
  5. The earliest known sharks date back to more than 420 million years ago.
  6. There are almost 500 species of shark.
  7. Well-known species of sharks are the tiger shark, blue shark, great white shark, mako shark, thresher shark, and hammerhead shark.
  8. They are apex predator organisms.
  9. They are at the top of their underwater food chain.
  10. Shark embryos attack each other.
  11. Sharks have a sixth sense.
  12. Also, they an intensive sense of smell.
  13. Hammerhead sharks also have 360-degree vision.
  14. The longest fish in the world is a type of shark.
  15. Its the whale shark.
  16. It is 40 feet long.
  17. In general, sharks need deep water, so they live in the oceans.
  18. But some kinds of sharks inhabit freshwater lakes and rivers.
  19. Some sharks are pregnant for two years.
  20. The species of great whites have a more powerful bite than jungle cats.
  21. Great whites have a more powerful bite than jungle cats.
  22. The same stands for hippos, deer, and cows.
  23. Female sharks can reproduce without male sharks.
  24. Sharks prefer to attack men.’
  25. Sharks do not have bones.
  26. Sharks’ skeletons are made of pure cartilage and muscle.
  27. Sharks need to keep swimming in order to breathe.
  28. So they don’t sleep, but instead, they stay semi-conscious.
  29. Sharks are considered older than dinosaurs.
  30. Sharks grow up to 50,000 teeth in a lifetime.
  31. The goldfish is a freshwater fish.
  32. It belongs in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes.
  33. It is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish and many people -especially kids- own it as a… pet!
  34. In fact, goldfish (along with dogs and budgies) have been kept as pets longer than any other animal.
  35. Over 480 million goldfish are sold every year!
  36. As a species, it was “born” in ancient China more.
  37. It was bred more than 1,000 years ago.
  38. Since then several distinct breeds have since been developed.
  39. Goldfish breeds vary greatly in size, body shape, fin configuration, and coloration.
  40. Various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black are known.
  41. But if you keep a goldfish in the dark, it gets… white!
  42. That’s because light helps the goldfish to produce pigment in their skin.
  43. Goldfish lives more than any other domestic fish.
  44. The oldest goldfish (on record) made it into his mid 40’s.
  45. For every year of a goldie’s life, the fish develops a ring on its scales!
  46. Those rings are called circuli.
  47. In case you need to see the circulis of a goldfish, you need a microscope.
  48. Goldfishes are able to see more colors than… humans!
  49. The human eyes can see a combination of the 3 primary colors (green, red, and yellow), whereas goldfishes are able to see the combination o 4 primary colors.
  50. For instance, they can see ultraviolet light.
  51. This helps them see movement in the water and find food easier.
  52. The 3-second memory thing is a total myth.
  53. Goldfishes have a sixth sense!
  54. You may have noticed a row of tiny dots down each side of your goldfish.
  55. That’s an actual organ and it’s called the “lateral line.”
  56. It can actually give a goldfish the ability to feel pressure changes in the water like vibration and currents.
  57. A goldfish will eat whatever fish fits in their mouth.
  58. No exceptions- that includes their own babies.
  59. They will even eat their own poop, so when we say they can eat anything we mean literally anything.
  60. You can tell a male goldfish by the breeding stars.
  61. Scientists don’t know why these breeding stars are on their skins.
  62. Some people though believe they exist for impressing females.
  63. Goldfishes can recognize faces, shapes, colors, and sounds!
  64. When given a goldfish as a gift, it used to be a sign of good and strong friendship.
  65. In Asia, it used to be a gift from the husband to his wife to their first anniversary.
  66. At one point in China’s past, only royalty could afford the luxury of pet goldfish.
  67. By using food as a reward, goldfish can learn to do all kinds of tricks like pushing a ball through a hoop, playing soccer and go through an obstacle course are just some of what they can learn!
  68. Goldfishes don’t have stomachs.
  69. Instead, they have one long intestine that does the job of digesting in different areas.
  70. Goldfish can’t close their eyes, but they sleep without closing their eyes.
  71. Dolphin is a common name of aquatic mammals.
  72. There are 44 extant species named as dolphins.
  73. Males are larger than females.
  74. They live anywhere on the planet, but in general, they prefer warmer places such as the Mediterranean sea or the tropic zone.
  75. Dolphins live in the sea, but can’t breathe underwater.
  76. They swim up to the ocean’s surface to get air.
  77. They rest one hemisphere of their brain for 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
  78. They take these “naps” several times each day.
  79. This is how they breathe and look after themselves all day long.
  80. Dolphins communicate making a variety of vocalizations.
  81. While “hunting down”, they make clicking sounds.
  82. They communicate with other dolphins by whistling.
  83. Dolphins also create very loud sounds when they feel excited or aggressive.
  84. One of their biggest enemies is the shark!
  85. Scientists haven’t linked their vocalization to their general behavior yet, so they are considered mysterious animals.
  86. To know where they are in relation to other objects and animals, dolphins use echolocation.
  87. This is a biological sonar.
  88. More simply they talk and then they hear echoes in order to understand where they are.
  89. They are carnivores.
  90. Echolocation is also used by them to trap, catch, and eat fish and squid.
  91. Dolphins are quite social and create friendships.
  92. Every dolphin has its own whistle.
  93. That’s somehow their name.
  94. Marine scientists believe that female dolphin may even teach their baby dolphins their whistles before they’re born.
  95. Dolphins use their unique whistles to call out to one another.
  96. In addition, they are able to remember other dolphins’ whistles after decades apart.
  97. The largest dolphin species is the Orca, which is also called Killer Whale.
  98. It can be 30 feet long—10 times longer than the smallest dolphins.
  99. Dolphins do have teeth but don’t use them to chew food.
  100. They only use their teeth to catch their food.


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