
Animals Trivia | 100 random facts and trivia about animals (part 3)

Some animals are wonderful, while some others just… aren’t. All of them though are essential for environmental stability.

Let’s find out more about them!

  1. Dolphins love their mum very much: They stay with them for 3 to 8 years!
  2. They can live up to 50 years.
  3. Dolphins have 2 stomachs.
  4. Comparing the ratio size of dolphins’ brain size, they are the 2nd smartest mammals after humans.
  5. Dolphins don’t chew their food since they only use their teeth to catch their prey.
  6. They give each other… names!
  7. Killer whales (aka Orca) are actually dolphins.
  8. And actually they are the largest kind of dolphins!
  9. Some dolphins are really fast: They can swim at 20 miles per hour!
  10. The largest whale in the world was the blue whale and weighed 30 tonnes.
  11. On the other side, the smallest one was the pygmy sperm whale and weighed 3.5m
  12. Whales’ closest relative is… hippopotamus!
  13. Only 1 hemisphere of a whales’ brain is asleep at one time.
  14. According to scientists whales are able to teach, learn, co-operate, grieve, and scheme.
  15. They communicate through a series of “songs”.
  16. Dory in the film “Finding Nemo” is believed that could speak… whale!
  17. Female seals live longer than males.
  18. Seals come to the land only to mate molt, give birth and escape from predators such as killer whales and sharks.
  19. Some seals can hold their breath underwater for about 2 hours.
  20. Seals can also sleep underwater.
  21. You can find the smallest seals in the Galapagos Islands.
  22. Seal parents can recognize each other even if they don’t see each other for 4 years.
  23. Sharks embryos attack each other.
  24. They have six senses.
  25. The longest fish worldwide is a kind of shark.
  26. It is 40 feet long.
  27. Some female sharks stay pregnant for a long time. More specifically for about 2 years.
  28. Great white sharks have a stronger bite than jungle cats.
  29. But flashes of lightning are more dangerous than sharks!
  30. Female sharks can be pregnant from more than one male!
  31. Sharks prefer to attack men.
  32. Sharks’ skeletons are made of cartilage and muscle. No bones. At all.
  33. Sharks don’t like sleeping. This way they don’t sleep at all.
  34. Sharks are on this planet for a long time, since they are older than dinosaurs.
  35. Shark can have up to 15 series teeth in each jaw.
  36. And in general, they grow up to 50.000 teeth during their lifetime.
  37. Ocean’s bottom is actually full of shark teeth, that sometimes are turned into jewelry.
  38. They are able to hear their prey as far as 3.000 feet away. Wow!
  39. They heat their eyes.
  40. Foxes are more active during the night.
  41. The red fox is the most common fox.
  42. Fox harnesses the earth’s magnetic field to hunt.
  43. They detect it and sense it as a ring of shadow.
  44. The smallest fox weighs under 3 pounds.
  45. In 2011 in Jordan was found a grave, that was 16.500 years old that had a man with his pet fox inside.
  46. You can buy a domesticated fox for 9000$.
  47. Arctic foxes don’t shiver until -70 Celsius.
  48. The bat-eared foxes have 5inch ears.
  49. They use them in order to detect insects.
  50. Darwin discovered one new kind of foxes.
  51. Foxes make 40 different sounds!
  52. Seagulls are very smart- they learn, remember, and pass on different behaviors.
  53. When seagulls mate, they mate for a lifetime.
  54. They can drink both fresh and salty water.
  55. In Native American symbolism, seagulls symbolize a carefree attitude, versatility, and freedom.
  56. The world’s biggest bird was a prehistoric seagull with a 24ft wingspan.
  57. It could fly at 10m per second.
  58. There is a seagull wine made purely made by stuffing a whole seagull into a bottle with… water.
  59. Seagulls were used by the U.S. military.
  60. When seagulls want to keep warm, they stand on one leg.
  61. In 1973, Niko Tinbergen won the Nobel Prize for investigating why seagulls have a red spot on their yellow bill.
  62. Hawk can see 8 times clearer than the best human eye!
  63. They are also very fast: When hunting they are diving 240 km per hour.
  64. They can catch their prey both in the ground and in the air.
  65. They survive alone, but during the spring they live with their mates.
  66. Hawks perform a courtship dance during the mating season.
  67. Both male and female parents take care of the eggs until they hatch.
  68. Females are larger than males.
  69. They can see more colors than humans.
  70. A war hawk, or just hawk, is a political term for a person who is in favor of a war.
  71. Hawks can spot their prey from 100 feet away.
  72. Owls symbolize wisdom in some countries.
  73. Owls was Harry Potter’s pet.
  74. They can turn their necks 135 degrees, not 360 degrees as it is commonly known.
  75. They have good eyesight, as they have tubular eyes.
  76. They can see in the total dark.
  77. They can hear their prey under leaves, plants, dirt & snow.
  78. An owl flight is really silent.
  79. Owls swallow prey whole.
  80. They can even eat some other owls.
  81. The parents owls discriminate their babies, by feeding first of all the strongest ones.
  82. In ancient Greece, the Little Owl was the companion of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom.
  83. In some other cultures, the owl was a sign of death.
  84. Sheep’s wool just doesn’t stop growing.
  85. They have almost 360 degrees of vision.
  86. Sheep are the only animals except for humans that among them you can find homosexuals.
  87. Sheep can’t right themselves if they’re on their back.
  88. George Washington, Thomas, and James Madison… raised sheep.
  89. Woodrow Wilson actually kept a flock inside the White House.
  90. If you see a sheep in the cast sheep position, they are probably stressed.
  91. Horses have the biggest eyes among the mammals.
  92. If you think a horse smiles at you, they don’t. They just determine if a smell is good or bad.
  93. Horses’ eyes are on their side of their head.
  94. Back in time people thought were colorblind, but they were not.
  95. The difference between male and female horses is the number of teeth. Females have 36 teeth, whereas males have 40 teeth.
  96. Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up.
  97. A 19th-century horse named “Old Billy” reportedly lived 62 years.
  98. The only truly wild horse species that still exists is the Przewalski’s horse.
  99. An adult horse’s brain weighs half of the human’s.
  100. Horses can’t vomit.

If you want to find out more amazing facts about animals you can also read part 1 and part 2.


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